Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The "F" Word

So last week, I went to Kahala Urgent care (sadly, the doctor who runs the joint knows my kids on a first name basis.."How's Bella doing!?"...) and I got the long q-tip stuffed in my nose to test for the flu.

Here's Dr. Ruggieri...he says, "Hi Summer, how are you feeling?"

ME: "Bad."

DOCTOR: "Really? Tell me your symptoms..." (talking to me with this sly smile...)

ME: "High fevers for 2 days...chills, sore throat, headache, ears ringing, suicidal tendencies (kidding....)"

DOCTOR:"Well, hmmm interesting. Body aches too I bet."

ME: "Yeah. Every part of my body hurts!"

DOCTOR: "Well Summer...that's because.... drumroll please...You tested positive for the Flu!" (Is this a joke? why is he breaking the news to me after 5 minutes of questions and announcing it as if I won the sweepstakes??? I don't like him anymore.)

Anyway, it has been a week and I'm feeling better. The flu wiped me out and I'm still sick but able to function today! This is now called "The Campos Family Medical Blog!" Stay tuned, next week we'll be talking about Carlos' colon! okay, just kidding. Anyway...moral to this story. Get the flu shot! (I didn't.)


Jen & Trent said...

Glad to hear that you're all doing better now. Hope Zak is well recoved too. You were all in out thoughts and prayers. Well we just started a blog too. Although we live half a mile away, it's great we have a way to keep in touch more.

Anonymous said...

Summer! I am glad you are okay... but YOU crack me up girl!!

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